MBA kestävän kehityksen ja hallinnon koulutusohjelma Barcelonassa
15 Months
Hakemuksen jättämisen määräaika
Pyydä aikaisinta alkamispäivää
EUR 19 650 / per year *
* yhden lukuvuoden ajan
Barcelonassa sijaitsevan GBSB Global Business Schoolin kampuksella suoritettava MBA-koulutusohjelma Sustainability and Governance Track on vallankumouksellinen 15 kuukauden kurssi, joka on suunniteltu kunnianhimoisille henkilöille, jotka haluavat vaikuttaa merkittävästi yritysmaailmaan. Se on ihanteellinen ammattilaisille, jotka haluavat parantaa johtamistaitojaan, kestävän kehityksen ajattelutapaansa ja innovatiivisia ongelmanratkaisukykyjään. Ohjelma yhdistää eettiset liiketoimintakäytännöt, kestävät strategiat ja kehittyneet teknologiset oivallukset, jotta opiskelijat voivat valmistautua nykyaikaisen liiketoiminnan haasteisiin.
GBSB Global on jatkuvasti rankattu Euroopan parhaiden kauppakorkeakoulujen joukkoon. MBA-ohjelmamme on saanut kiitosta innovatiivisesta opetussuunnitelmastaan, poikkeuksellisesta tiedekunnastaan ja vahvoista yhteyksistään teollisuuteen. Meidät ovat tunnustaneet arvostetut organisaatiot, kuten QS World University Rankings ja European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD).
Päivitetty opetussuunnitelma vuodelle 2024: MBA-ohjelmamme on päivitetty perusteellisesti vastaamaan alan viimeisimpiä trendejä ja markkinoiden vaatimuksia. Uuteen opetussuunnitelmaan sisältyy huippuluokan kurssitöitä, parannettuja oppimistekniikoita ja laajennettuja verkostoitumismahdollisuuksia.
Opetussuunnitelma on huolellisesti muotoiltu tarjoamaan vankka ymmärrys liiketoiminnan johtamisesta strategisella, operatiivisella ja taktisella tasolla. Se sisältää perinteisiä ydinmoduuleja ja innovatiivisia valinnaisia aineita, jotka kattavat nousevat liiketoiminnan alueet. Ohjelmarakenne varmistaa, että opiskelijat saavat käytännön tietoa ja kilpailuetua työmarkkinoilla todellisten projektien ja käytännönläheisten luokkien kautta.
Perehdytysviikot (2 viikkoa)
- Johtajuus simulaation avulla
- Riskienhallintatyöpajat ylimmälle johdolle
- Maailmanlaajuinen skenaario: Tulevaisuuden suunnat
Tietojen hankkiminen liiketoiminnan strategisista, operatiivisista ja taktisista tasoista
- Accounting and Reporting Analysis (8 ECTS)
- Business Analytics for Decision-Making (6 ECTS)
- Economics for Business (6 ECTS)
Mukautuvien moniulotteisten liiketoimintamallien suunnittelu ja soveltaminen
- Business Innovation and Digital Ecosystem (6 ECTS)
- Corporate Strategy (6 ECTS)
- Financial Planning (8 ECTS)
- Projektinhallinta toiminnassa – osa 1 (8 op)
Liiketoiminnan ketteryyden edistäminen eri toiminnallisilla alueilla
- Toimitusketju ja toimintastrategia (6 op)
- Marketing and International Positioning (6 ECTS)
- Projektinhallinta toiminnassa – osa 2 (8 op)
Reaalimaailman yritysongelmien ratkaiseminen tekemällä lopullinen projekti (online)
- Johtajuus, henkilöstöresurssit ja organisaatio (6 op)
- Lopulliset tapaukset (Capstone) (16 op)
Kestävyys ja hallinto
- Circular Economy
- SmartCity Management 3.0
- Tekoäly johtamiseen ja infrastruktuurin kehittämiseen
Listed among the Best Business Schools in Spain by Forbes (Top 10)
- Recognized as a Tier One MBA in the Global and European MBA Rankings 2022 by CEO Magazine
- Financial Magazine listannut 10 parhaan MBA-ohjelman Espanjassa
- Awarded as a Five Stars Business School for Teaching, Academic Development, Employability, Inclusiveness, Business & Management Studies
Ohjelman tulos
Graduates of the Online MBA program at GBSB Global Business School will achieve the following outcomes:
- Enhanced Management Skills: Graduates will develop advanced management skills, enabling them to lead teams effectively, make strategic decisions, and drive organizational success
- Comprehensive Business Knowledge: Students will gain a thorough understanding of core business disciplines such as finance, marketing, operations, and strategy, equipping them with the knowledge needed to excel in various business environments
- Adaptability and Agility: Graduates will learn to navigate the complexities of the modern business landscape, including digital transformation, global market trends, and disruptive technologies. This adaptability is crucial for thriving in today’s rapidly evolving business world
- Practical Problem-Solving Skills: Through hands-on projects and real-world case studies, students will enhance their problem-solving abilities, making them highly sought after by employers for their practical experience and analytical skills
- Global Perspective: The program fosters a deep understanding of international business practices and cultural nuances, preparing graduates to operate effectively in a globalized economy
- Ethical Leadership and Sustainability: Emphasis on ethical business practices and sustainability equips graduates to lead responsibly and make decisions that positively impact society and the environment
- Entrepreneurial Mindset: Graduates will cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset, enabling them to innovate, launch new ventures, and drive business growth
- Enhanced Communication Skills: Students will improve their ability to communicate effectively with diverse groups, present ideas clearly, and lead teams with confidence
- Networking and Career Advancement: Graduates will build a robust professional network through interactions with peers, faculty, and industry leaders. This network, combined with the program’s career development resources, will support their career advancement and job market success
- Qualification Achievement: Graduates will earn an internationally recognized MBA degree, enhancing their credentials and opening doors to higher-level career opportunities and leadership roles.
Ohjelman lukukausimaksu
- 35% of graduates acquired senior management positions post-graduation
- 65% indicated a salary increase within a year
- 73% increased their professional responsibilities
Our MBA curriculum catalyzes international career advancement, particularly emphasizing opportunities within Europe and beyond. Here’s an overview of what our program offers:
- Market Insight: Dive deep into the economic intricacies, consumer dynamics, and business environments of Europe. This thorough understanding equips you to make informed decisions and thrive in diverse market landscapes
- Career Ecosystem: Navigate through job markets, explore various career trajectories, and uncover competitive advantages associated with roles in Europe and globally
Completing our MBA program prepares you for a variety of leadership opportunities across industries, including:
- Strategic Management Roles: Excel in managerial positions in both small enterprises and large corporations, driving strategic initiatives and organizational success
- Leadership Positions: Lead multidisciplinary teams and diverse departments, leveraging enhanced leadership and management skills acquired through our program
- Change Management and Consulting: Engage in roles focused on change management and management consulting, aiding organizations in navigating transitions and improving efficiencies
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Pursue entrepreneurial ventures or roles that foster innovation and business development, using the entrepreneurial mindset cultivated during the MBA
This revision of the Career Opportunities section aligns with the competitive example provided while ensuring uniqueness and specificity to the GBSB Global Online MBA program.
Miksi opiskella GBSB Global Business School
Why Choose GBSB Global for Your MBA?
- Innovative Curriculum: Our curriculum is designed to foster critical thinking, creativity, and leadership skills. We emphasize real-world applications and case studies to ensure practical learning
- Global Perspective: With a diverse student body and faculty from over 70 countries, you will gain a truly international perspective on business
- Expert Faculty: Learn from experienced professionals and academics who bring a wealth of knowledge and industry insights to the classroom
- Flexible Learning Options: Our MBA program offers flexible scheduling options, allowing you to balance your studies with your personal and professional commitments
- Strong Industry Connections: Benefit from our extensive network of industry partners and alumni, providing you with valuable networking and career opportunities
Join us at GBSB Global Business School and take the next step in your career with our top-ranked MBA program. Apply now and become a part of our dynamic and innovative community.